I bought a 150cc 2 seat go kart 2 years ago. Kids have had a blast and the service crew has been great and fair money wise to deal with. I was so happy with the go kart I just purchased a 4 wheeler and look forward too many great years with it and more purchases. Highly recommend Xtreme Toys and their products. You will not find a better product for the money. The staff is top notch and easy to deal with
I bought a 150cc 2 seat go kart 2 years ago. Kids have had a blast and the service crew has been great and fair money wise to deal with. I was so happy with the go kart I just purchased a 4 wheeler and look forward too many great years with it and more purchases. Highly recommend Xtreme Toys and their products. You will not find a better product for the money. The staff is top notch and easy to deal with