A great place to find clothing, household accessories and small appliances in great condition for pennies on the original dollar. Watch out though, quality and selection varies from store to store, as do the prices. Individual store managers seem to be given quite a bit of leeway when it comes to pricing, and you will sometimes find items with prices that are way out of line.
Dec 05, 2017
Patty Millet
Savers to me is just as good as any walmart and they sell everything besides food as walmart, not to put down walmart, but tha prices are cheaper. I've been going to savers for a very long time, and still love the store.
A great place to find clothing, household accessories and small appliances in great condition for pennies on the original dollar. Watch out though, quality and selection varies from store to store, as do the prices. Individual store managers seem to be given quite a bit of leeway when it comes to pricing, and you will sometimes find items with prices that are way out of line.