I cannot say enough positive things about the Prana Center. Roberta has developed a supportive, caring, positive community where everyone is valued and the kids work together in such wonderful ways. My children have gained so much self-confidence and interpersonal skills, not to mention a love and appreciation for theatre.
Prana yoga and acting center has made an invaluable impact on our family. Taking the time to practice yoga during the week has resulted in my having the ability to feel calmer, stronger, more centered and compassionate. I have learned how to relax and let go of worries while I am on the mat. Roberta has taught me the benefit of what she aptly refers to as “taking a well deserved rest”. When I am well rested, stronger and calmer, everyone in the family benefits. My daughter has participated in Prana acting center for the past two years. She has developed a great appreciation for the hard work and effort that are involved in making a show come together. Prana gives her the opportunity to be a positive example for younger actors as well as the chance to learn from the older kids in the program. The confidence and happiness she experiences at Prana are the greatest reward of all. We are so thankful for Roberta and her staff.