Need to know your product better. Pearl hot dogs are not anti-biotic free/hormone free. They are not "as close to all natural that your going to get" like the associate told me. Also, natural casing has nothing to do with how the animal was raised. If you are going to claim on your homepage "offering only all natural meat products" you should research your product before buying and selling. Also, all duBreton pork is not Organic like your associate told me, and when asked why the package doesn't say so the answer was, "they must have just got certified and not put it on their labels yet." They do offer an organic line of pork - but all duBreton pork is not organic.
Need to know your product better. Pearl hot dogs are not anti-biotic free/hormone free. They are not "as close to all natural that your going to get" like the associate told me. Also, natural casing has nothing to do with how the animal was raised. If you are going to claim on your homepage "offering only all natural meat products" you should research your product before buying and selling. Also, all duBreton pork is not Organic like your associate told me, and when asked why the package doesn't say so the answer was, "they must have just got certified and not put it on their labels yet." They do offer an organic line of pork - but all duBreton pork is not organic.